Beartown #6
The property is KBIC owned CFR land. The Tribe acquired the property in August 2003. Prior owners include Escanaba Paper Company, Mead Corporation, Upper Peninsula Land Company, Timmead Incorporated, Celotex Corporation, and Ford Motor Company. The property includes various marsh and swamp communities associated with the Kelsey Creek riverian system including but not limited to cattail marsh, open water marsh, reed canary marsh, mixed cedar and deciduous swamp, and alder swamp thickets. The property also includes forested areas.
Environmental concerns include areas of dumping extending through approximately 1/2 acre of the property, located near Kelsey Creek riverian area. Dumped material includes old cars, batteries, tires, appliances, household trash, motor oil, burn barrels and various other materials.
As a highly productive ecosystem, the property plays an integral role in maintaining the quality of the local watershed and wildlife ecology as well as provide habitat for many animals, including migratory waterfowl and federally protected species such as the bald eagle and grey wolf. This property and connecting properties along Kelsey Creek provide an ecological corridor for these important species. Efforts are under way to establish wild rice in the wetland area and surrounding properties along Kelsey Creek. The Tribe also would like to build Osprey nesting platforms along the creek.
A draft Phase I ESA was completed in May 2011. Through the Phase I process it was determined that materials observed on the property (household trash and three containers) were determined to be de minimis and majority of open dumping (burn barrels, containers, vehicle parts, etc.) was located on adjacent private properties.